Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Aarhus  Aarhus
Restaurants Aarhus  Midtjylland ØST    Central Denmark
Restaurants Table reservation and dinner booking Aarhus  Central Denmark
Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip
Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Smile 

Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip

Åboulevarden 28 8000 Aarhus   More info
Phone: 8732 1444
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Read more about Aarhus Midtjylland EAST.

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Vi er et lille intimt hotel med otte suiter fordelt på fire etager. De er alle 60 kvm store. Seks af suiterne er individuelt indrettede med fransk-italiensk inspirerede møbler, mens de to sidste er indrettet i romantisk stil til brudepar eller andre, der vil forkæle sig selv. Alle suiter er med en separat opholdsstue, et soveværelse, et lille thekøkken og et eksklusivt indrettet badeværelse.

Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Aarhus you will find in Aarhus, and can offer you a well situated Restaurant.
If you choose to stay at Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Aarhus, or just an overnight stay at Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Aarhus, you may experience the following, among many other attractions in Aarhus.

Attractions nerby:         Frigate Jylland welcome you         Holmens Put and Take - Holmens Camping        ARoS - Aarhus Art Museum        Aarhus Cathedral or St. Clement´s Church

Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip, Clik on Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip Aarhus and book room directly on Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip website. At a short distance from Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip at Aarhus, you can choose one of the many Hotels and accommodation in Aarhus

Phone:   Hotel Cafe & Restaurant Philip

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Restaurants eateries and cafes Midtjylland EAST Denmark
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